Currently Playing: Delain - Sleepwalkers Dream
I came to to find myself laying face down on a greyish-green landscape. All around me there was a ghastly mist hiding so many things, and for some indescribable reason I couldn't manage to put together any explanation on where I was, or even why I was here in this dismal, empty place. My mind was a complete blank, drained of all thought or memory. And yet, within me I could feel this gnawing, some pain or unknown sorrow like I had just lost something very dear to me. Though what, again I couldn't say, I didn't know.
Lifting my upper body up off the ground I scanned the surrounding area. But found no signs of life or really anything apart from that ghostly mist, and that sullen green ground. Pushing down with my hands, I heaved myself to my feet, as standing I brushed myself off, and cast one more look about the expansion. This place seemed fitting for something from the artic, and yet I found that I could not feel the cold. I could not feel anything. Not only was I dead physically, but also in many other ways with only that persistant sorrow eating away at me from the inside out.
I tore my mind from its aimless wanderings, and happened to glance across the way where a swing set appeared. Something that had not been there a moment ago, and now I also realized too that there were other people appearing. People that I felt I should have known, but wasn't able to. There were four young boys, and two young girls. One girl had short hair layered to just below her ears, and the other had long straight hair. Because everything was a vague colorlessness I couldn't tell the shades of their hairs, or even their eyes, nor the tincture of their clothes.
I stopped for a moment taken aback by the sudden appearences of these--spectors. But then after looking at each in earnest, I turned and began to make my way through the desolate terrain. As all around me the world was changing, showing me places, things, and people that I honestly couldn't recall. A school, a home, those ghost people I had seen earlier. At one vision I paused, and just gawked at it. The illusion showed me with a couple of the others standing in a park. We were all smiling, and happy. How odd that I knew what those emotions were, but could do little to feel either of them. Whilst I watched, I found myself drawn and attracted towards it. I even reached out my hand as if in a means to grasp onto the distortion.
Though, as I did so I found that I could neither feel, nor take hold of that forbidden relic. Turning away, I glanced around myself once more. I didn't honestly know how to explain it, but at least to me it felt like this place was trying to reinstill some sort of feeling to my hollowed out soul. Trying to bring back the lost memories, but something, perhaps me myself prevented it, deflecting those futile attempts and continuing on my way through this home for ghosts.
I at long last made my way through an astral forest, and into a clearing which beheld at its's heart a clear pool of water. At the entrance to the grove, I paused, bracing my hand on one of the trees as in that moment I felt some sharp emotion hit me. I withdrew my hand in time to see the outline of where there must have been either a burn or a cut, but because of the lack of color this place possessed I could not see the crimson coloring of the blood. Not to mention that since everyone else here was a spirit, or spector of some sort, I too was probably the same. An did ghosts bleed? Not to my knowledge..
Anyhow, alone in the thicket I let my eyes befall the pool once more. And just as I looked at it, a ripple cascaded across its glassy surface. As if drawn in by the water I stepped closer, and closer to the edge of the resevoir. I peeked over its edges and into the clear waters, as more ripples shuttered overtop its surface as again the world was casting its spell over me, drawing me to the pool. I looked deeply into it, and saw what I presumed was an outplaying of my life. Visions swam in its crystal clear waters, and a pale light was erupting from somewhere deep within it.
As I watched I again reached out my hand to touch those showings unaware of the fact that I was coming close to falling into the waters. Suddenly though, a strange calming wind besieged the area, and I was able to feel an unfamiliar presence, and yet it also felt like a presence I had known my entire life. Pulling away from the resevoir I leaned back, and scanned the expansion for the source of what I was feeling. And I found it, in the pale outlining of a beautiful young woman. Albeit, the spiritual plain had sucked all color from her brilliant form, and yet she still glittered and glowed. She smiled softly at me, and then appeared surprised as she looked over my shoulder at something, or someone apparently coming up behind me.
I followed her gaze, and my sights befell a strong, and lean looking young man. Who also had long flowing hair, darker in color, though than the young woman's. Not to mention that unlike her, he had a fox tail and ears pertruding from his head and tailbone. And yet something similar between the two, was when I looked at the young man, and saw him smile politely back at me. As for a moment I just stared at him, sensing another familiar and yet unfamiliar presence about him.
"You," I said aloud my voice echoing all around me. I looked to the kitsune male. "I should know you.."
The kitsune nodded, and then looked over my shoulder to the young woman, and I followed his analyical gaze. Pivoting on my heel, I turned to reface the young woman, and then held out my hand to her. "And too..But..who are you..?" I asked her, and her smiled turned to a frown as she shared another silent glance with the young man. Before then pointing in the direction that I had come, I looked back at her, and she held her hand to her heart, opening her lips and saying something, but I couldn't hear it. She was muffled by the astral realm.
When it became clear that I could not hear her, she let her hand fall to her side eyes downcast. I took a step towards her, but was stopped as the young kitsune male reached out in an attempt to stop me. Though, his hand feel straight through me. Something that again didn't make sense to me, weren't we both spirits, so then why did his hand fall through? I just glanced at him quizzically, and his own gaze fell dejected. Albeit, just then from somewhere in the distance a soft bell rang as if signalling the end of something. I again looked between the two; the young woman, and the young man, both looked back with sad eyes, and yet smiled softly at me as their forms began to fade away becoming a part of the mist. The young man walked up to stand beside the woman, whom he took affectionately in his arms and I could see the pale tears trickling down her face.
In the instant, I suddenly ran towards the two, my eyes clearing for once in the entire time I had been in this spiritual realm. "Okaasan, Otousan!!" I cried running towards the two young people whom I had now percieved as being my parents. I sprinted towards the two of them, but they began to fade all the more quicker. I tried to pick up my pace, but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't reach them as soon they had completely vanished.
And just then there was another brilliant display of light, and my entire vision went white with the glare. A warm reassuring breeze suddenly surrounded me, and I felt back at ease, even if now all around me there were pure white clouds. Voices sang in the distance, a soft, soothing melody. The lullaby that my mother had once so very long ago sang to me, and hearing it now brought tears to my eyes. Emotion returned, and I recalled everything that had happened. I remembered. Kira. Armageddon.
"You have done well, Hikari no Otome," said a kind voice from somewhere beyond the clouds. I looked up. "But your task is not yet done..There is still so very much for you to do."
"What's left?" I asked. "The Earth has been completely wiped out. What honestly is there left for me to do? There is no life there, just the spirits of the once great lifestyle. Spirits who don't remember, who don't feel anything," I explained reaching up to suddenly grip a stitch in my chest. My eyes were filled with sorrow, pain, and loss. My heart ached with such emotions to the point where it felt like I was dying all over again.
"Yes, the Great Cleansing has now come and gone, which means that as soon as the spirits depart from the Spirit Realm the Earth shall be ready to be reborn. And with it you, and all your loved ones," answered the surreal voice. I just stared up into the heavens above me, however, just as my gaze befell those glorious skies I felt a darkness at the backs of my mind, and I began to slip into an unconscious dreaming state. I fell from the heavens, my body cloaked in a white cocoon of light, as just like that and with another brilliant flash of white light I seemed to have disappeared.
Remember this well: for every ending there is a beginning, and for every beginning there is an ending..
Twilight and memories. Dawns with sorrow, and evenings filled with love, and a dark beauty. These are a few things that define my life, and the lives of my friends. We are not as ordinary as some, if not most preceive us to be. Dreams filled with dark sentiment, and flashbacks of a bittersweet lifestyle and end. Things happen around us, and trouble just seems to like us. We are who we are. We can't change that..No one can.
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Friday, July 1, 2005
Mallos and Yami

Alright, so this is another one of those subseries posts where I'm going to introduce you to a couple of the minor characters in my life. Well, one I would have liked more than anything to be a much larger part of my life, but his life was taken by far too soon before the likes could ever happen. -Soft sigh.- An iie, before any of you hentais get the idea, these two are not a couple. They're actually twin brothers, one which was the aforementioned bastard in "Shadows of the Heart," and the other was the love of my life (if but only for a short while). They're names are Mallos, and Yami. Names that I am sure you can recall from my earlier postings.
Mallos was the kind, and polite one, and Yami was the jerk who wanted nothing more then sex, and destruction. Sou ka. They're brothers, but complete opposites. Anyhow, so here are their pictures..Behave..v-.-v
K'yotseke, minna. Ja ne.
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