Alright, so this is another one of those subseries posts where I'm going to introduce you to a couple of the minor characters in my life. Well, one I would have liked more than anything to be a much larger part of my life, but his life was taken by far too soon before the likes could ever happen. -Soft sigh.- An iie, before any of you hentais get the idea, these two are not a couple. They're actually twin brothers, one which was the aforementioned bastard in "Shadows of the Heart," and the other was the love of my life (if but only for a short while). They're names are Mallos, and Yami. Names that I am sure you can recall from my earlier postings.
Mallos was the kind, and polite one, and Yami was the jerk who wanted nothing more then sex, and destruction. Sou ka. They're brothers, but complete opposites. Anyhow, so here are their pictures..Behave..v-.-v
K'yotseke, minna. Ja ne.
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