Currently Playing: Nana Kitade - Utareru Ame
Ne, so it looks like I've gone a few more days without an update. vn.nv;; Gomen ne, but things have gotten pretty busy around here, especially with the Fall Festival just around the corner. We were already late as it were in the preparations, so this past week everyone was kind of skurring around trying to get everything done, and ready. I was also a member of the studen council, so I had my own fair share of last minute preparations. So it was a miracle how we ever managed to get everything done for the festival, though, whatever happened, I was thankful for it. Because for having started the preparations later than the previous years, we still managed to get everything set up accordinly, and properly for the festival.
Though, because of all the last minute modifications and whatnots, I was a little bit late in getting to Max's for our own make overs, and dress preparations. The celebration was a very old, and ancient tradition so it was required to wear appropriate attire, which meant yukatas for the men, and kimonos for the women. And anyone who has ever had to deal with a kimono, can understand why we needed several hours to get ready. vn.nv;; Albeit, we all had a pretty good time, and it was fun to get all dressed up. Actually, I couldn't honestly remember the last time, a part from previous festivals that I had ever gotten so lavishly dressed up before. I'm sure, though, that there were some other times a part from the fetes.
Once everyone was finished I asked if we could all get together for a photo. Which they were all okay with, well, most of them anyways. We had a little bit of trouble getting a couple of the guys (Ace, and Logan) to come out into the open. I guess they thought that they looked funny in their yukatas, though, once they stepped out of the dressing room, and into the hallway Kira made mock catcalls at them. To which Ace threw his shirt at her, and she reached out catching it and laughing. As for Logan, his face was such a shade of red that I had ever seen before, and I laughed into my hand. Never had I seen him so embarrassed before. He didn't even look half bad in his yukata, and actually I found it looked rather attractive on him. Though, when I commented on it, his eyes turned cold, but his face remained that brilliant shade of red, so I didn't even take his threatening glare to heart.
He then glared at Himitsu. "You are so going to pay for this.."
I looked between the two, and smiled. "Ah, so it was Himitsu that got you to do this after all."
"Shut up, Sakuuya," said Logan, and I chuckled softly.
"Gomen ne," I apologized, and then snapped a picture of him. Logan snapped his gaze to face me, and Rae sweatdropped reaching out and pushing the camera down.
"Easy does it, tiger," Ace said to Logan who threw whatever he had at hand at Ace which happened to be some hardcovered book or another. Luckily, Ace managed to dodge it, but he failed to dodge the stuffed cat that Logan threw at him the second time.
"Hey, hey!" cried Max. "Don't be tearing up the house!"
She ran into the room, and reached out taking another object from Logan, and hit him upside the head. "Knock if off," she chided.
"Then tell him to stop making fun of me!" cried Logan outraged, and Kira giggled.
"It could be worse, Logan," said the ravenhaired girl. "It could be me teasing you." Her eyes twinkled playfully in the light of the hallway. Logan's face flushed with both embarrassment and anger, though, before he could say anything Jake interrupted.
"Okie dokie," said Jake breaking in. "It's getting a little too crowded in here. Let's move into the living room, shall we?" He wore a meek smile on his face, as he signalled for us all to go into the other room.
"Good idea," I agreed, and started for the next room which happened to be the aforementioned living room. Once I was inside, everyone else soon followed.
"Now," said Jake, "is everyone ready?"
"Ready?" snapped Logan. "Ready for what?"
"Sakuuya wants to take a picture of us for the year book," answered the brunette.
"She what?! Nobody told me that this was going to be going into the year book!"
"Well," said Kira idly. "Now you do."
"Shut the hell up," growled Logan.
"Okay, you two, simmer down," said Max stepping between the two. She then looked at me. "Yes, I think that we're all ready. However, why don't we go outside into the yard? There's even more space out there, beacuse despite the first appearence of this living room, it is actually in-fact pretty small." She smiled plausibly at that.
"True, true," said Ace nodding. Though, I think he was thinking that the more space there was the easier it would be for him to dodge things, and to get away if he got himself into hot water like he had attendancy to do. vn.nv;; Anyhow, so we settled on outside, and as we made our way out, Max's foster parents were coming back from this first party of the evening. When they saw us, her foster mother smiled and awwed at us.
"Don't you all just look simply adorable," said Max's foster mom.
"I wouldn't necessarily say that, Maisy," replied her foster father. "They look so grown up to me. Just like the princes, and princesses that the fall festival, back in the good old days, would bring together." He smiled softly at all of us. For as long as I could remember, Max's foster parents had always been so very nice. Maisy, was the very epitome of a mother, and Daniel was also soft spoken, and just such a sweet guy. I smiled at his comment, and his brown eyes sparkled. He chuckled at us all then. "Well now, I suppose that we best not be keeping you, your majesties," Daniel teased, and Max looked at him as if to scold him, but instead just smiled, and then ran to him throwing her arms around him, and hugging him.
"You're too sweet, Daniel," said Max teasingly, she then kissed him on he cheek, and did the same to Maisy. "We'll be leaving shortly, have fun at your parties."
Maisy smiled. "We will, have fun tonight, dear." She kissed Max lightly on the cheek, and then the two walked passed the rest of us, and into the house. Albeit, just before entering, Daniel stopped at looked at me, he winked.
"Keep an eye on her, won't you? And keep her out of as much trouble as you can, alright?" he asked playfully, and I smiled at him nodded.
"Hai," I said. "I will."
"Good, have a good night," he then disappeared into the house. As he left I then turned back to my six friends, and held up my camera.
"Alright," I said, "who's ready?"
Everyone just either smiled at me, or shook their heads, but they gathered together regardless, and I snapped a couple of pictures of our little group. Once I finished, I let the camera fall against my chest. "Okay then, all done."
"Who's ready for some partying?" said Himitsu with a goofy grin on her face. Though everyone threw up their hands and cried they were. I chuckled at the sight, and Rae looked over at me, and blushed. Though, I just shook my head and continued to smile. As then the seven of us began to make our way towards the Rock Gardens.
The sight tonight, though, was quite different indeed. Everywhere their were bright and colorful decorations, and little shops and caravans set up all around the gardens. Not to mention that it was plump full of people. Everyone laughing, and smiling, just happy in general. There were families, and friends, lovers, people of each and every sort of status quo, and they were all dressed in kimonos or yukatas. This was one such festival, and one such time that so many people would all gather in one place, and it was an amazing sight.
Streamers were hung in the trees and around the gazebo, each which had a multitude of Japanese laterns hanging on them, whose candlelight flickered in the soft, cool autumn breeze. As for a while, my friends and I just walked up and down the lavished streets, stopping to play a few of the games in which one game in particular Himitsu one three goldfish, one of each that she gave to Max, and I, and the third she kept for herself. After walking for a couple of hours, and playing a few games, not to mention running into aquaintances from school and chatting with them, we finally all decided that it was about time to get something to eat. Though, that proved to be a challenge in itself, since there was so much traditional food to pick from, and we each had our favorites. Eventually, though, we managed to all settle on something, and sat down on one of the benches to eat.
However, after we sat down, and began to eat, and the usual gossip broke out. I was looking about the area when I suddenly spotted a young man probably in his college years, and at his side there was a pretty girl maybe a year or two younger with dark, flowing hair, and soft brown eyes. The two seemed enthraled in converastion, however, when my gaze befell the young man, I dropped my chopsticks and the food that I was eating fell to the ground. Inside of me, my heart began to race, and my stomach churned sickly. I felt my mind slipping into a relapse of that one night..The one night that led me to having more nightmares than I needed, and a major reason why I had medication for my headaches. Even though, I couldn't remember what had happened that night, because I had blacked out, and then reawoke to find myself safe, and warm in my bed at home when I swore that I had gone out that night.
Though, when I asked about it, everyone had told me that I had been home all night. None of them could remember either, and thought for awhile that I might have been a bit dillusional. And then I started having terrible headaches, and was beginning to loose hours of my days. I would get to the point where I couldn't remember what I did in school, or what assignments and papers were due the following day or week. There soon became huge parts of my days that I couldn't recall. So that was when Rae's parents took me to the hospital, and I got perscribed my medication. Since, I had also noted that around the time that I would loose I would usually obtain some serious headache. The doctor said that it might have just been post-traumatic stress, and that it might have had something to do with the loss of my ryooshin. So he perscribed me medication for my headaches and anxiety attacks, a part from that though, there wasn't much more that could be done until he was able to understand just exactly what it was that was obscuring my mind.
As now, looking at that young man with toustled brunette hair, brown eyes, and glasses, I felt suddenly and utterly terrified. My body began to tremble and shake, and my mind began to swim between consciousness, and unconsciousment. At my side, Rae asked if I were all right, and then also looked across the way, but the young man and his girlfriend had since disappeared. So when Rae turned back to me, he noticed that I suddenly seemed perfectly fine, and was eating again, acting as if nothing had happened. My composure, though, seemed much more steady, and confident, and he did a doubletake.
"Rae," I said in a calm, and gentle tone of voice, "you might want to eat your food before it gets cold."
"But..wait a minute, you were just--" words failed him.
I smiled at him as if he were being silly. "Everything's fine, just eat. Domburi doesn't taste very good once it's cold, trust me. It gets all pasty, and gross."
"B--but.." Rae protested, and then my eyes flickered. I lowered my voice, and looked about us, making sure that no one else was listening.
"We need to talk, when there is time," I whispered, "just the two of us, alone. It's time you know what's really going on with Sakuuya.."
"With--who? What?" asked Rae baffled.
"Shush, I don't want you to draw the others' attention," I said. "Later on tonight, we'll talk, and then everything will be made clear." I then went back to eating, and my foster sibling glanced at me, but just shook his head with a sigh, and then also began to eat.
As everyone was finishing up, fireworks suddenly burst into light against the twilight sky. Kira's eyes sparkled. "Oh, wow!"
Max chuckled. "Yeah, it's the start of the festival parade," she explained. "Come on, eat up, or we'll miss it."
"A parade? Really? That's just too cool!"
Max laughed again. "Yes, it is, now hurry up."
Kira woofed down the rest of her food, and then once everyone was finished we all stood up, and threw our plates, and any leftovers away, and then hurried to the center of the gardens. We found a really good spot, and sat down, just the seven of us, and watched. Fireworks illuminated the sky, casting colorful shadows against are forms, and the surrounding areas.
"This is amazing!" cried Kira happily as she watched the festivities with wide, and bright eyes. "It's almost like the Fourth of July!"
Max chuckled. "Well, not exactly, but it's kind of similar to that." She smiled, and then snuggled in against Jake watching the parade. Kira leaned into Logan, who was startled at first, but then gingerly wrapped his arms around her, also watching. And I fell back against Rae, who took me in his arms, and lifted me up onto his lap. I reasted my head against his chest, smiling.
"Sakuuya?" asked Rae, and I blinked looking up at him, and then nodded nuzzling him.
"Well yeah, who else would I be?" I teased, closing my eyes softly and gripping his shirt. Rae then blinked at me, but nodded regardless, and just held me close. He rested his head against mine, reaching a hand up to stroke my hair, and continued to watch the parade. Albeit, just before the end of it, and as the fireworks grand finale was going off overhead, Max leaned up and kissed Jake, Kira leaned up to kiss Logan on the cheek, and Rae leaned down to kiss me. Though, just as he did, I lifted my head up to see what he was moving for, and instead of a peck on the cheek it turned into a small kiss on the lips. I blushed and so did Rae, it had happened by complete accident. And all of our friends saw it, Kira giggled.
"What did I tell you?"
My face flushed a brilliant shade of red.
"Yeah," said Max, "albeit they weren't the only couple showing affection tonight either," her eyes twinkled in the last of the fireworks.
"What's that suppose to mean?" asked Kira indignantly.
"I caught that little kiss on the cheek you gave to Logan," teased Max obviously bemused. At her side Jake was chuckling softly.
"So?" said Kira.
"So," said Max, "it looks like we got ourselves two new couples tonight."
"Yeah right," said Kira, but she was suddenly faintly pink in the cheeks herself.
"Nani?!" I exclaimed taken by surprise. But Max just burst into a fit of laughter, and so did Ace.
"Aren't you all so cute," said the blond smiling.
"Shut up!" cried Logan, Kira, Rae, and I at the same time. As several of the stuffed animals people won at games were suddenly through at him. Each one hit, but all he did was laugh. Albeit, Kira was suddenly looking up into a tree, her crimson eyes curious and skeptic. Since, just after everyone through their stuff prizes at Ace, she had looked up into a nearby tree, and see a young form there. Though, it was hard for her to make out much of his composure, but she later told us that he had been wearing a navy blue yukata, and had dark brunette hair, and amber colored eyes. Himitsu told us that he had been watching out group earnestly, and then she recalled having seen him several other times throughout our time at the gardens. Though, she had no idea who he was, and when she asked Max, and I, neither one of us knew either.
"Does it really matter now, anyways?" said Max looking into the tree. "He's long gone, by now."
"Maybe.." said Kira skeptically, "but that was just too weird."
Max shrugged. "Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of weird things happen when the seven of us get together. But oh well, it's probably just coincidence."
"I don't believe in coincidences," said Kira eyes sharp.
"This is getting really out of hand," I said softly to Rae who wrapped his arms about me affectionately. He then glanced at everyone else, before then looking up into the sky. The fireworks had since gone out, and around us people were getting up, and leaving.
"We should probably all think of getting home soon too," said Rae politely, and Max nodded.
"Yeah, it's got to be close to midnight by now," said our friend, and Rae nodded. Kira blinked, and then looked at her watch.
"It's actually only eleven fifteen," said the black-haired girl.
"Close enough," said Max.
"Yeah, yeah," said Kira as she got up out of Logan's lap. She held out her hand to him, which he looked at at first, but then accepted, and she helped him get to his feet. Ace too was getting up, and so were Max and Jake. Rae and I followed their leads. Kira then stretched looking into the night sky.
"So, you guys got any plans for tomorrow?" she asked.
"Sleep," said Ace, and several of us just shook our heads at him. I was leaning down to pick up a couple of the stuff animals, and also my goldfish.
"Rae and I don't have anything planned, unless Ayana and Ritsuo have something planned," I said talking about Rae's mother and father. "Which they might. They sometimes do that after festivals." I smiled meekly at my friends.
"Well, just let me know," said Kira. "I'd like us all to get together tomorrow if it's at all possible."
"Why?" said Logan. "Are you planning on looking for that stranger you were talking about earlier?"
"Maybe, but also aren't the openings for that stupid tourney going on?" said Kira.
"What tourney?" asked Logan.
"That one that dipshit one and two invited us to," said Kira a bit bitterly.
"Oh, that," said Logan not moved in the least. "Yeah, something like that. Why, you want to go or something?"
Kira's eyes glittered. "Why not? It could be fun."
"Nuh-uh," I said, "I know where this is going. You're planning on stirring up some trouble, aren't you?"
"You know me too well," said Himitsu flashing a smile my way. I just rolled my eyes at her, and then sighed.
"Honestly," I said, "you're hopeless."
"Hey," said the black-haired girl with a cheeky grin, "aren't we all?"
Max chuckled to that. "Hm, I suppose that we are. Especially in relations to romance."
"That's right and--hey! Wait a minute!" said Kira realizing what Max had said. "I am not a hopeless romantic. You, and Fox might be, but I'm nothing of the sort. I'm a fighter, not a lover."
Max laughed, and then looked at Logan. "Unless it concerns a certain orangeish-red haired boy."
"Excuse me?!" cried Kira, and several others started laughing. Logan's face flushed, and he rounded on Max, and soon they were going at in an argument. I just politely excused myself from it, and started walking towards at much more quieter part of the gardens. Rae glanced after me, and then back at our friends, before following after me.
I stopped just before the falls, and then sat down, folding my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms about them. I then just stared out across the waters, until I heard Rae's footsteps behind me.
"Sakuuya?" he asked.
"No, not exactly," I answered in that earlier unnatural tone. My foster brother looked at me curiosly, but sat down at my side regardless.
"Oh, it's you again," said Rae softly. "So are you going to tell me what the heck is going on, and why Sakuuya freaked out like that earlier?"
"Ah," I said, "you catch on quick."
Rae shrugged. "Ever since you came home from that night, I've noticed--things."
"Like how at times Sakuuya doesn't act normally? How she spaces out, and then snaps back to reality?"
"I guess, though, she's always done that ever since she was little. It's just gotten--worse in the past couple of years."
"Ever since she turned fourteen, you mean?"
"Well, no, not exactly," said Rae. "Just like I said, ever since she came home that night."
"So then you grasp somewhat of an understanding on what is going on, ne?"
"Well, yeah, I guess so.." said Rae voice trailing off.
"The doctor mentioned something like this to you, didn't he? But he told you, and your mother and father it after he locked Sakuuya in the hospital room.."
Rae simply nodded, not saying anything.
"Then I guess I really don't need to explain myself to you, now do I?"
"So then..that was what happened..she really was--" but the other me cut him off.
"Yes, and that is all I am going to say. That man that she saw, the college student with his pretty girlfriend, that's her assailant."
Rae's eyes widened, and he looked almost hurt all of a sudden.
"There are only two of us, though, so you need not worry too much," said the other me. "I am Kerana..Sakuuya's protector, and the other--well, she's much more darker than me, her name's Youka, and she'll do anything she can to try and get Sakuuya to remember. She revels in pain, and suffering, not so much of others, but rather just Sakuuya's."
"MPD, " said Rae.
"DID," corrected Kerana kindly. "This is Dissociative Idenity, which is the proper term for it. Multiple Personality is just the more simpler naming."
"Got it," said Rae with a soft sigh. He looked out across the waters. "So she really has no memory of it? And she doesn't even know you guys exist?"
"No, not exactly," said Kerana. "Though, her time loss is of our doing. Usually I am the one who takes control of the body, and only usually when Sakuuya feels the threat of either the memory, or something that attempts to trigger the recollection. I don't want her to know just yet, for I'm afraid that if she does then she is going to sink further into this illness, and I don't want that."
"But she deserves to know," said Rae in protest.
"When she is ready," said Kerana with faint bitterness in her tone of voice. Her eyes turned a bit sharp, but then everything softened once again. "I just felt that you of all people should know..You mean a great deal to her, and I know also that I can trust you above all others. I'm sure, though, that by now the doctor has clearified the diagnoses, though, I would advise you not to mention or speak to them about this."
"Because you're afraid that they might approach Sakuuya on the matter.." said Rae softly, and Kerana nodded.
"They already know what happened that night, but they do well to keep her in the dark on matters. For which, I am thankful," Kerana sighed lightly, hands now just resting on her knees as she looked out at the falls. Rae just nodded feeling that neither he, nor her wanted to continue this conversation any further. As just then, Ace's voice rang out across the expansion.
"Hey, you two love birds! I hope that you're staying out of mischief!"
Rae just sighed lightly, and shook his head, but a smile had returned to his lips. He stood, and then held his hand out to Kerana, which she accepted.
"Ace!" yelled Rae. "Do you mind?!"
"Nope, not in the least," said our friend with a chuckle as he approached the two. Kerana's own eyes softend, and she shook her head chuckling, before in the next instant I was back, and blushing. Though, I looked between the two obviously confused.
"Anou..what exactly is going on?" I asked, and Ace raised an eyebrow, but then suddenly grinned.
"I just came to make sure that you two were behavin yourselves." My blush brightened, as I tightened my hold on Rae hand, shaking my head and looking away clearly embarrassed.
"You hentai," I said, but the blond just laughed.
"Well, you guys are holdin hands," said Ace.
"We're--what?" I then looked down, blushing harder, and then letting go of Rae's hand. Ace just laughed shaking his head at us.
"Anyhow, everyone's gettin ready to head out. Just thought I'd come and let ya know."
"Thanks.." said Rae. "I think.."
Another small chuckle. "Yep, no problem," and then Ace wandered back over to the others. Rae just shook his head.
"Come on, we better get going before he tells everyone that we were caught in a make out session." I blushed, but nodded.
"Uh-huh." And then we both ran over to join the others, all of which were smiling and laughing. The others teased us for a bit, before we all then made our ways home. As the lights surrounding the gardens went out, and the autumn breeze blew.
An oops..I think that this was another of my really long posts. Gomen ne! I just didn't know where to stop. I hope you all haven't fallen asleep yet. vn.nv;; But anyhow, I'm all done now, sou ka, you can all go to bed now. -Laughs lightly.- K'yotseke, oyasuminasai, minna!
So tell me now, now that you know, and now that the secrets are coming to light. Things are changing, something's happening, but I don't know what it is..Do you..?
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