Currently Playing: Mami Kawada - Joint
Alright so it looks like we decided to take a trip down memory lane. All I hope is that this time, Kira would be smart enough to know that reusing the way we had infiltrated the structure the last time, probably wouldn't work this time. Ano..oh, gomen ne. I suppose that I first should recollect all that's been happening. Well, Max got captured again, only this time the thieves also took Jake hostage for reasons that I'm pretty sure we would eventually figure out. Also, Kira managed to figure out where the crooks had taken Max, and as it turned out it was to the same place they had taken her before. Reginald's Facility of Science and Research. Sou, even just typing that all out sent shivers up, and down my spine.
Sou ka, so that was where we were at present. Kira, and I standing outside the edifice with Kira trying to scope out a way in, and me regretting ever having went with her. Even though, I knew that we were doing this not just for shits and giggles, but to help a possible friend in need. Okay, so scratch that we knew that Max was in a helluva lot of trouble, and we would be too if anyone ever caught wind that we were here. Though, if the pilfers were any bit smart, I'm sure that they'd be keeping a look-out for us. Now knowing who we were, and what we looked like. I mean, they did managed to come in and swipe Max up like a newborn baby, so it wouldn't surprise me if they had us on file as well. Again, the very thought gave me the creeps.
Anyhow, so that's were we are at present. Standing outside Reginald's and trying to find the easiest, and saftest way of getting in without being found out. From where we stood, just on the edges of the structure, I turned to Kira. "Have anymore brilliant ideas?"
"You mean like how the hell we're suppose to get in?" asked Kira.
"Well, what else?"
"Uhm--I have an idea, but I don't think you'll like it very much," my friend sweatdropped.
I sighed, and then cast a glance about the expansion. Sou, they were expecting us there were soldiers; probably the same as Max, surrounding the entire area. "Well, it can't be worse then what I'm expecting you to say."
"Which is?" said Kira.
"There are guards surrounding every inch of this place. The only way in, is through them," I said observing our surroundings once more.
"Good idea," said Kira with a smirk. I cast her a bitter glance.
"It's not my idea," I said holding my hands up in defense. "That's just how you work."
"Why thank you very much," said Kira sarcastically. "So, on my whistle?"
"Excuse me?" I said doing a doubletake, and looking at her with wide eyes.
"Don't you dare say that last number," I warned my friend with a cock of my head.
"1!" just as it slipped from her lips, Himitsu whistled loudly, and then disappeared in a blur of shadow.
I tilted my head at her, or rather the area that she had been in once last time. Before I leapt from the tree, and began to race towards the front of the building. Kira appeared at my side, and grinned, before leaping up onto the next story's ledge, and I heard the sound of necks snapping as she threw a body off the ledge. I gimaced, but my personality had suddenly shifted at the sight of the dead guard at my feet. The moon flashed in my eyes, as I followed Kira up onto the ledge. She continured to race down it, breaking necks, and throwing unsuspecting guards to their near deaths.
Soon, the watchmen caught on, and the sound of fire arms erupted into the night air. By that time, though, I had jumped down, and raced along on the ground beneath Kira, casting a glance up at her every now and then, as she continued her onslaught. Finally fed up, I leapt up after her once more, but instead of following, I jumped up onto the next story, throwing my body into the air. I quickly snapped my wrist, a whip with thorns quite similar to a rose's shot from my hand. Another flick of the extension, and I heard the weapon collide with an unsuspecting watchman a nasty gash forming across his chest, oozing blood. He looked up at me with terror reflected in his eyes, but I continued to move without so much as a regret to what I had done.
Our attack continued on for the following ten minutes, until we finally found an opening into the facility. Himitsu, and I met at that one point, and then she looked over my shoulder at the damage that I had done. She seemed slightly surprised, but then she just smiled at me, with a congradulating slap on the shoulders. The hit was enough to pull me to from my daze, and I glanced in shock around me. Gasping when I saw the men, and women that had been slaughtered at my own hands. I continued to stare in horror, until my gaze befell an almost miraged outline of a young woman with bloodred hair, and flickering gold eyes. She smirked at me, and then held up her hand. In it was the weapon who had led my assailants to their deaths. Youka smiled coldly at me, and then idly dropped the whip. As once it hit the ground, the ground almost seemed to swallow it up. Almost like a viral plant imbedding itself into the warm, wet ground.
I felt slightly nauseated, and felt myself sway just slightly as Youka's silhouette vanished from my sights. My vision swam momentarily, until I was finally able to pull myself back to reality. Kira, at the time was talking to me, but I didn't hear what she was saying. When I managed to come to from the tranze, she looked at with curiosity.
"You alright there, Fox?"
I nodded weakly to her. "H..hai."
"Well, alright then," said Kira, hesitantly looking away from me. "We can enter through here." She pointed to the opened window, and I just nodded. Kira ducked through it, and I shakily followed. Once inside I slipped and felt my knee hit the windowsill, as I toppled to the ground. Gingerly I lifted myself up with my hands, my body was still shaking in an almost uncontrollable way. I really was beginning to not like this whole infiltration idea, though, I also knew that we had to save Max from--whatever the villians were doing to her here. Kira appeared in my line of vision, and held out a hand to me.
"Are you sure that you're all right, Sakuuya? You look pekid."
I smirked begrudgently at her. "I've just seen a ghost is all.."
"That isn't funny, Fox," said Kira. "Quit playing games." She grabbed a hold of my hand, and helped me up. Once on my own two feet, I shook my head trying to clear my mind of the sudden angry, and dangerous feelings. I felt like I wanted to hurt someone, like I wanted to see another person writhering in pain and suffering. I wanted to see them bleed. I wanted their blood on my hands, but the only face that swam into my line of vision was Youka's. She smiled darkly at me, and then shifted my thoughts to sightings of my own form in pain, and suffering, bleeding. Gasping I shook my head more vigorously, thankful that Kira had seemed to have given up on making sure that I was all right, and instead began to walk down the white corridor.
Just as a sudden cold wave washed over me. I gasped as the sudden temperature drop, and then numbly walked over towards Kira. Who was looking around the hallway, her eyes suddenly narrowing as they befell something on the wall. What it was I couldn't make out, or even see. Which meant that whatever it were was meant for Kira's eyes alone, or was something that only she could see.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me," said my friend in both irritation, and surprise. Just as the area surrounding us grew bitter, and dark. The walls shifting to that of a purpleish black substance that reminded one of a black fog. Only this was reeming with spiritual power, familiar, and yet not so much so. A sharp breeze besieged the area, rushing up from the very ground we stood on to greet us. As for a moment both of our visions swam in darkness, and when they were able to focus again, we found ourselves in a black dome. "Jesus Christ," said Kira, "don't tell me that that asshole had something to do with this.."
"Who? Yami?" I asked quizzically.
"Who the fuck else?" said Kira angrily.
I choose to steer clear of the potential hazzard waiting if I replied to her answer. And instead I cast a wary glance about the chamber, there was no telling where we were. We could be anywhere in the facility, or on any floor, and I suddenly grew uneased. Though, another part of me wildly searched for Max, albeit, nothing showed. Not even the slightest hint that she was anywhere near here. Kira on the other hand, was walking up to one of the dome's walls. She held out a hand to it, and the collection seemed to reach out for her, though, once it hit her hand she let out a startled cry and withdrew that hand quickly. "Dammit, that hurt," she cursed, but again I choose not to say anything. Kira glared at the wall, and I began to feel my own control withering away.
"Then don't touch it," I said. "How hard is that?"
Kira looked at me, and raised an eyebrow. She glanced deep into my eyes, and her expression changed to a curious, and yet suspicious one. "Do I even dare ask?"
Kerana shrugged. "That's up to you."
"Exactly," said Youka cutting in. "Unless you want to delve deep into little Sakuuya-chan's past, and stir up that ever so forbidden dust."
"Great," said Kira irritated. "So who the hell are you, exactly? And what is this? Like MPD, or what?"
"Good guess," sneered Youka. "I guess you're not as dumb as I thought, after all."
"Excuse me?" said Kira, placing a hand on her hip. But all Youka did was glance over her shoulder at her, and smirk.
"Maybe not," said the darkness just trying to get a rile out of my friend. She looked back towards the dome. "Oh me, oh my, isn't this clever. Set up to make you think that that young man had something to do with your little friend's abduction."
"If you know something then why don't you share it with the rest of us, hm?" snapped Kira beginning to loose her cool.
"My, my so tempermental. Better becareful, you wouldn't want to end up hurting Sakuuya-chan, or yourself, now would you?" the yami continued with her taunts.
"Fuck that," snapped Himitsu. "You're beginning to piss me off."
"Really now?" said Youka. "And just exactly what are you going to do about it?" She turned to meet my friend squarely in the eye, smiling cruelly. Her gold eyes flashing. Kira growled, and raised a hand, a small flame beginning to form there, and yet all my yami did was smirk at her. "Smile for the camera, won't you?"
Kira immediately dropped her guard, the fire ball deflating in her hand. "What?"
"Oh, didn't you know?" said Youka. "We're under surveillance."
"Surveillance, by who?"
"By the good doctor, of course," said Youka with a malicious grin.
"You mean the one who took Max?"
Youka shrugged idly, apparently bored that she had given up so easily. "I wouldn't know. Why don't you ask the doctor?"
Kira glanced around her, as if looking to find a person, or camera. Yet she found none, and turned back to Youka. "What kind of head games are you playing, Fox?"
"Actually," said the yami. "My name's Ishida. Youka Ishida, and trust me, I am nothing like your pathetic friend."
Kira's eyes went cold. "Watch what you say."
"Or what? You'll set me ablaze, little firefly?" Youka laughed. "Don't make me laugh, love. I've been faced with worse then you, and even they couldn't damaged me all that much. Well, at least not before my seeds ate through their still beating hearts."
Kira almost grimaced at her blunt description of death. "You're seriously fucked up, you know that?"
"Oh yes, I've heard that one before, love," said Youka. "Though, it never seems to grow old, now does it? That accusation? When really, wouldn't it be Sakuuya-chan who's, how did you phrase it, oh yes; 'fucked up'?"
"You bitch!" snapped Kira, lunging at her. Youka simply sidestepped, and Kira fell face-first onto the ground.
"You'll have to move faster than that, love," said the yami. "I'm not an easy one to catch."
Kira looked up, and over her shoulders glaring harshly at the darkness. "When I get my hands on you--"
Youka's own eyes blazed as she raised a hand. The ground beneath Himitsu began to rumble, as small sprouts of greenish blue began to form underneath her. Kira gave a disgusted sound, and rolled to the left, but Youka was one step ahead. The once blueish-green patches turning to almost a poisonous emerald green shoot.
"What the hell is this?" cried Kira.
"A simple earth-element spell," mocked Youka nonchalantly.
"Earth huh? Well how about we heat things up a bit, see how well you're stupid plants work then?" Kira's eyes were a livid bloodred in anger as she spoke.
"Oh, please do," said Youka. "Let's see how high your own petiful attacks rate on the richter scale."
Himitsu began to glow with a faint embery glow, as in her hand appeared two fireballs. She leapt into the air with an angry cry, and with great force threw both of the spheres at my yami. Unfortunately, just as she did so another collection of plants surfaced, and formed a barriered wall that must have been as hard as cast-iron. For Kira's fire attacks went out in a puff of smoke just before colliding with it. Kira landed, and glared harshly at the redhead.
"I told you to give it you're best shot," said the yami. "If that's all then you aren't even worth my time."
"How dare you--" but before she could get another word out, Kira was cut off. Just as from one of the domed walls appeared a mid-sized silvery round object on four legs. In truth, it looked like a mechanical spider, as from it's single eye there appeared a hologram of a middle-aged man. It was hard to figure out any characteristics because his face was blacked out, but he stood before Kira, and Youka, his hands folded behind his back.
"Now, now, girl's let's play nice, shall we?" said the spybot. "After all the experiments have only but just begun." A smirk formed on the strange man's lips.
"What the fuck?" said Kira surprised. Every bit of her was in a shocked, and confused state, and yet it couldn't hide her still vivacious anger that lingered about her form like a dying ember. Across the way, Youka just folded her arms, and smirked at the robot leaning against the wall.
"Now the fun can really begin.." said the strange man.
Altering lives, or changing the course of Destiny. Right now, it's hard knowing what we're doing.. But one thing's for-sure, we're at the point of no return, and beginning the breaking point..
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