Alright, so this is another one of my simpler posts. You know the ones that you can read without falling asleep halfway in, or for some who don't even last 'that' long. As many of you may, or may not know, during this last section of posts two new people made their appearences. Who they are, what they are..That's hard to say, though, if you paid attention you might have already guessed.
A lot of things have gotten pretty messed up for me right now. And are receeding into a much more complicated measure. Albeit, I'm just going to stop there before I turn this post into one of my usual ones. -Sweatdrops.- Gomen ne. The people who's pictures I post here are Kerana, and Youka. My--mind friends from the previous section. Some may call them alters, or idenities, I later will give them--along with their companions--the title of being "My 10th Twilight."
Kerana, and Youka came on the first wind when I found out the truth about what had happened to me that night. After..after it happened, Kerana had immediately came into existence, and took control thus sealing the memory away. Later what secret she has hidden will become revealed..but until then..this is all that can be said.. K'yotseke, minna..
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