Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Return To Twilight 002

Currently Playing: Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Gekkou

Hey, it's me again, I just thought I'd work my tail off trying to get another post up here before my classes start. ^n.n^ Since the previous one sort of ended with a cliffhanger, for which, I really am sorry for, but I just didn't want to bore you all to no end. I still want you to read this, well--if you're interested anyways. I know, I know not many people like to hear about Armageddon, and all that high-class religious stuff, but really it plays an important role in any and everyone's life. I'm sure that you all can understand what I am talking about, ne?

I'm sure that all of you have come face to face at some point in your life with religion, or am I wrong? vn.nv; Somehow I find it hard to believe any of you who might say you haven't. -Laughs lightly.- Because just look around you, talk to someone, and you'll see it pops up even in every day conversation. And sometimes I'm sure that if it weren't for religion there might be a few people who wouldn't have anything to say. vn.nv; Not to mention preach about..but anyhow that's getting off topic. Gomen ne for the cliffhanger beforehand, and I'm sorry I'm kind of just rambling right now. So anyhow..onto the next chapter/subsection in my life. vn.nv;

So where did I leave off..oh, aa, in the church when I first met--her.. That was certainly an interesting end, or start to the day..-Sweatdrops.- Anyways, what was it about those two swords that was so alluring? I honestly couldn't say, all I know is that one minute I was looking at the shards of a sphere, and the second minute there are two swords, and a complete orb in place of it. That's not strange in the least..vx.xv

"Weird isn't the half of it," said Kira suddenly, and I looked at her. "Well you see, this sword.." She reached out to touch the darker of the two blades, the one with twin demon wings molded into the hilt.

"H-hey, be careful with that!" I exclaimed taking a step towards her.

"I've seen it before.." said Kira in a distant tone of voice, her bloodred eyes studied the weapon.

"You've what?" I asked taken aback, but then I glanced at the two swords, and felt a rush in my chest. I had also seen the twin blades before in those damnable dreams that had put me borderline to insomnia. Stepping towards the baptismal bowl, I looked closely at the two weapons; they were definitely the same two that I had often times seen in my dreams. My sapphire-blue eyes sparkled, before I quietly and partially shocked asked Kira, "where have you seen these swords before?" I was almost terrified of hearing what her response would be, and I could feel my heart beating frantically inside my chest.

Kira withdrew her hand sharply, and her eyes snapped back into focus. "I--I saw them in..in a dream."

That was what I was afraid of.

"In a dream?" I repeated, and Kira nodded. I pressed on towards another issue. "Did you see anything else in your dream?"

The ravenhaired girl gingerly fingered the aforementioned dark blade. "I've seen a number of things.."

"Like?" I asked far more anxious than was intended.

"Like angels and demons.."

"Angels and demons?"

"What do I stutter?" asked Kira a bit irritated. "Yes, angels and demons."

"Anything else?" I asked, and to that the other girl turned to face me, crimson eyes glittering.

"Why so curious, foxy?"

"No reason.." I lied, and Kira looked away obviously not convinced.


I sighed softly, closing my eyes just slightly and then reopened them. "I'm curious, beacuse I've also seen these swords in a reoccuring dream."

That apparently wasn't what Kira was expecting as she stopped idly running her finger up and down the sword to turn, and look at me. There was sheer shock reflected on her face, and in her devious eyes. Albeit when it became apparent that I had taken note of it, she looked away, reaching down to the hilt of the blade she had been fondling, and gripped it.

"That's very interesting.."

I tensed up momentarily at the potential threat in her words. Though, it didn't seem that she was intending on threatening me, but her actions, and cold words seemed to fit the bill to a T.

"This sword is well built.." said the girl now in a much more nonchalant tone of voice. "The weapon is of decent weight, not too heavy but weighted enough..But this other one.." she stretched out a hand to touch the other sword, and recoiled the moment her fingertips brushed it. The blade had suddenly glinted with an almost malicious aura the minute the crimson-eyed girl reached out for it. "Hm.." Kira tucked that hand back in against herself.

By now I had made my way back over to altar, and looked down at the two weapons. "What's wrong?" I asked reaching down, and picking up the sword that Kira seemed unable to. "Is it too heavy for you?" I smiled mischievously at her.

"No," said Kira indignantly. "Here, you try and pick up 'this' one." She handed me the second blade which she was at present holding.

"Ano..okay." Albeit, when I reached out to take the sword from her I recoiled with a soft gasp, and my eyes reflecting momentary pain. "Ouch..it's scaulding hot."

Kira turned, and glanced at the blade one side to the other. "No it's not, what are you talking about?"

"It burns," I answered, but she just looked at me like I was kure-ji. Then looked back at the blade before putting it back inside the baptismal bowl. I did the same with the other.

"Now isn't that strange," said Kira. "That I can only pick up one blade, and only you the other."

I didn't say anything just nodded.

"Come on," said Kira. "I think that you can call it quits for the night, this place looks spick-and-span to me."

I glanced about the expansion nodding softly. "Aa, I suppose that it is clean enough for the night.."

"Great," said the other girl rather optimistically. "So what's next? Do you live far?"

"Excuse me?" I asked curiosly.

"Do you live far from the church?"

"Iie, but why are you asking?"

"Because I wondered if you wanted to hang-out," said Kira smiling.

"We just met," I tried to reason.

"Exactly, which means we should get to know one another better." Another smile as she began to walk down from the chapel, and into the entrance hall of the chuch. "Are you coming?" she called after me.

I just blinked staring after her as she exited. What on earth? I asked myself, but I followed after her regardless.

In the entrance hall I met up with Kira, and then we left together from the church heading towards the nearby park. I was surprised that she seemed to know her way around town pretty well, which led me to wonder how long this strange new girl had been living in my hometown without my knowing. But then I recalled the rumors back at the church about a devil's child falling asleep beneath our infamous nonblooming sakura tree. Though, Kira couldn't honestly be the same girl, could she? She didn't seem at all like what the rumors had suggested that she would be like. Although, I should have been smarter and known that usually those kind of things are false, and tend to give people bad reputations, and status quos.

To keep a conversation going I decided to initiate my earlier thought about the dreams. "So how long have you been having these dreams then?"

Kira just kept walking without so much as glancing at me; she shrugged. "Oh I dunno, ever since I was a child. I use to wake up in the middle of the night, and go into my parents room because I'd keep having these reoccuring dreams, that were more like nightmares."

"Like nightmares? How so?" I asked.

"I don't really know, I just would feel things in them that I knew weren't right. And there was always blood in them, so being the child that I was they scared me," explained Kira. "My mother was always understanding about such matters, but my father was always stuck on the idea that it was just a childhood phase, and that I would grow out of it. Ha, yeah right."

I simply nodded, keeping a steady watch on her. "So where are you initially from?"

"The United States, my dad moved here because of work," answered the other girl.

"Military?" I asked, and for once she looked at me.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Most people who move here from America are usually here on militia duty, or something of the likes. Granted," I chuckled a little bit. "There have been a fair few who moved here just to get away from their melodramatic lives."

Kira laughed lightly at that. "What about you? Have you lived here all your life?"

"Mhm," I said.

"What do your parents do for a living?" she asked, and I stopped dead in my tracks. Kira looked at me taken aback. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

I shook my head. "Iie..demo..my ryooshin..they're dead. They passed away in a car crash."

"Oh.." said Kira suddenly solemn. "I'm so sorry," she looked away, and towards the ground ashamed.

"It's fine," I said. "They've been gone for ten years now..it shouldn't bother me so much anymore."

"My mother's dead too.." said Kira softly. I looked at her. "She was killed in action."

"So your mother was a soldier too?" I asked trying to keep an even conversation going.

"Kind of," said Kira, but then she shook her head. "Anyways..so tell me a bit more of these dreams that you've had? You said you've had them too, right?"

"Sou," I said thankful for the change of subject. "Ever since I was small too, only I never had nightmares the likes of your's. All I can remember is white, and black feathers, those two swords, and some epic battle."

"Like Armageddon?"

I laughed at that. "Sou, I guess that you could say that it was kind of like that. Demo, I really don't know. I just dream, but lately it's gotten pretty bad. I usually end up wandering to St. Ellen's church, and if I don't do that then I'll wake up, and be unable to get back to sleep."

"Hm.." pondered Kira.

"Nani?" I asked.

Kira looked up into the night sky, which was now actually slipping into dawn.

"Tell me something, Fox, do you believe in reincarnation?" asked the ravenhaired girl, and I did a double take.


"You heard me, reincarnation. Do you believe in it?"

"You think that that is what this is?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I've read about it in my mother's wiccan books. And sometimes when a person is reincarnated they'd have flashbacks of their past life/lives."

"And you think that it's what the dreams are? Flashbacks of an old life?"

Kira shrugged. "Maybe.." but then she laughed. "You catch on quick, foxy."

We then at long last reached the park, and took seats on the swing set. Kira was swaying back and forth on her's, and I just kept staring up into the sky, seeing the dawning colors beginning to brighten there. And then a thought struck me, and I beamed at her.

"Hey, I got some people that I want you to meet. How about I introduce you tomorrow at school?"

Kira laughed again, and looked at the sky. "Wouldn't that be today, Fox?"

I chuckled softly. "Aa, I suppose that it would."

I started to swing.

"Hey, I got another question for you," said Kira.


"Did you ever do anything online, like art, or poetry?"

"Why would you be asking that?" I asked looking at her curiosly.

"Just because I remember reading some poetry written by a young girl around my age on one of the All-Poetry sites."

I kicked up a little bit of sand. "Aa, that would be me. angel--fox, ne?"

"Yep, that was her sn," said Kira.

I laughed again. "What about you? Did you ever do anything besides chat online?"

"Sure I did, I drew," answered Kira.

"Deviant Art?"


"What screen name?"

"BlackAngel," said Kira.

"Oh, sou, I think that I saw some of your work. You're very talented," I said with a polite smile.

"Thanks, and I really liked your poetry too," Kira also smiled, and then we both burst out laughing for no known reason. We carried on talking some more about the dreams, and my poetry, and Kira's art for at least another couple of hours before I glanced at my watch and realized that it was nearly six thirty that morning.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed leaping to my feet. "I have to get home, my foster parents will be worried about me..oh, and I have to wake up my brother," I said laughing sheepishly. Kira just cocked her head at me.

"You have a brother?" she asked.

"Well, iie, not really. He's a foster brother," I explained. "And actually we were childhood friends."

Kira giggled. "Lovers by any chance?"

"What? No!" But I could do little to hide the faint shade of pink that was beginning to form in my cheeks.

Kira just laughed again. "Alright, whatever you say, foxy. But something tells me, that if you hadn't been then you most certainly want to be now!"

"Damare!" I shouted at her, blushing brighter, and she just laughed. Shaking my head I turned away. "I gotta go, ja matte ne," I waved after her.

Kira at first was a bit surprised, but then a warm smile came to her lips and she waved back. "Ja ne!"

An I think that I'll end this post here. -Meek smile.- It isn't that bad of a cliffhanger, so don't razzle me too much, okay? I promise I'll get another post up soon, alright? -Smiles.- Till then, though.

Ja ne! ^n.n^

So here we are again, together. Still waiting just outside Destiny's door.

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