Currently Playing: Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes (Mynt)
Well, it seems that after Monday's events our lives seem to have once more calmed down. I am still set ill at ease, as I cannot forget what had happened that night. I'm now haunted by memories and dreams of my parents, I can't escape them (the memories and dreams, I mean). I would like to, but I just can't. I try to push the memories into the backs of my mind, but I seem to be failing in that. -Sigh.- That and the fact that I have a feeling that this is all but the calm before another storm. We haven't seen the last of Yami, I know that, and I am worried. Himitsu keeps telling me to just chill-out and that everything will be just fine, but I sense that she is uneased as well.
We have had three days so far that nothing superstitious has happened, but instead of placing us at ease, it has only unnerved us all the more. Max seems to be doing all right, but has been exhausted lately, I do not blame her. Having been possessed so many damn times by that bastard Yami..I could only not even begin to imagine the exhaustion that such an event would affect.
Max and Himitsu were actually talking about said possessions earlier today during our Study Hall. Sou, the day had went by just fine, except I was uneased when Max and Himitsu began to go on about Yami and his powers, as well as mentioning a few of the events that took up form in that event. Inari, I don't think I could escape these torments even if I had tried. -Sigh.-
We passed by the Rock Gardens today on our way to the park, just even glancing, or being anywhere near said gardens sent chills and shivers up and down my spine, as if to be icy fingers playing up and down my back. We passed the gardens fairly quickly and then headed to the park. Once more we took up our seeming habit of swinging. Max and Himitsu were going on about something, but I wasn't exactly listening, my own mind was too busy with wanderings of its own.
Well, as it turns out, we couldn't escape Fate even if we did try, as soon we once more found ourselves back at the Rock Gardens. As if Yami's first appearance wasn't enough...-Sigh.- At first nothing really happened, it was just fine. Max had joined me leaning on the railing and looking into the water. Himitsu kneeled between the two of us as we glanced into the waters. Rae, Ace, Jake, and Logan were also all present, yet again. Heh, yeah look...lucky number seven.
Anyways, everyone was glancing in at their reflections for really no particular reason when Rae and Jake then turned to leave as the other two boys followed. Rae said he would see me at dinner, which was at seven. I told him I would be there, and reminded him to turn his cell on, in case it was off. He had it on, so I told him that if anything happened to give me a call. He nodded and then the four of them left, once again leaving Max, Himitsu, and I alone together.
Well, as it turns out, the waters suddenly began to swirl and instead of revealing to us our ningen forms, Himitsu's reflection was that of a dark angel/fire personage, and mine was a light angel/fox personage. The reflections revealed Himitsu and I in our truest forms. Max saw them, and eyed the reflections curiosly. Then she turned to her own reflection. I looked to Himitsu, Himitsu looked at me, then we both looked at Max's reflection...not entirely sure what we would see. And what we did see, we had no idea would come. Max had--no reflection. No reflection at all.
It is often said that a person's shadow reflects their soul, as such, it is also oftenly said that a person's reflection in water reveals to them a reflection of their soul. Max had no reflection, so did that mean that she--had no soul? That couldn't be. She was human, at least...that's what we had always thought, but that truth was soon to be shown as being invalid, revealed as not being true at all.
You know how I always said that Himitsu always had that odd obsession with fire? Well, yeah, now I know why, but then go figure this...
Himitsu and I both stared into the clear water that was suppose to reflect Max's form, I glanced at Himitsu. Max just stared into the water, and Himitsu did as well, when suddenly she began to lean forward, over the railing as if she were looking for something. It turned out that she had lost her ring into the water; the ring that her mother gave her which--was her favorite ring, and was trying to figure out how to get it back.
Chuckling softly I orbed the ring from the water and gave it to her. Himitsu accepted the ring, but continued leaning over and staring into the water. "Himitsu?" I asked, no response, then the next thing I knew she had plunged head first into the stream.
"Himitsu!" I cried. The water beneath her began to swirl, and then I lost myself into the seemingly same trance as we had lost Himitsu to. Then the next thing I know, my eyes slipped slowly shut as with a soft whispered, "ah." I collapsed into the water right after her. Max wound up having to leap into the water after us, but by that time, Himitsu and I had disappeared beneath the depths, and as soon as Max's form hit the water, she was also assimilated by the depths.
Our heads broke the surface of the stream and then our gazes were drawn towards the area before us. It looked just like the gazebo at the Rock Gardens. Hell, it looked as if we were still there. Himitsu clamored out of the water quickly, since half of her was a fire youkai, and fire doesn't like water. But what surprised us the most was how quickly Max leapt out of the water. She acted like she absolutely hated the water. Mm..strange indeed....
Well, anyhow once we all got out of the water and clamored over the railing, landing on a part of the circle of benches that was formed in a crescent moon shaped formation about the gazebo. We glanced about the expansion, and I felt a sudden chill up my spine. The strange part, we were all dry. We weren't soaked at all. Max, Himitsu, and I then all wandered into the center of the gazebo, and I vaguely heard Himitsu voice, "Dammit."
We all glanced about the area. "We've been here before," said Max looking about the expansion with intriguing eyes, but also eyes that hide a frightened recollection.I nodded. "Hai, this is the same dome that Yami had placed us in the last time..." My own voice slipped off falling into a mere whisper. I wandered about the gazebo. You would have thought we would have learned our lesson the first time, but like I said, some things are just inevitable, and just can't be stopped. You cannot stop what is simply meant to be, I knew that..I know that...
I turned to Himitsu, shaking my head, letting my mind begin contemplating some form of escape. Something that at least a part of me was known for. A fox--you never want to corner a fox, as we have attendancy to show our teeth....
Well, nothing seemed to be coming to me at the present moment in time, I was still glancing about the area. The last time we had been here, any form of escape we tried all proved futile, so the reality was, any plans of escape that I came up with would more-than-likely fail. Himitsu sat down on one of the benches and began pondering something. Max kept her lavender eyes gazing anxiously about the expansion. When suddenly we heard Himitsu gasp. Max and I whirled to face her, Himitsu was on her feet almost instantly. She glanced about the room, and Max and I looked at her.
"Himitsu," I said, "are you all right?"
My friend looked to me. "Yeah, I'm fine." But then she gasped again and her back arched. Max stared at her.
"Are you sure, Kira?"
"Yeah, it's fine. I'm cool." Again she jumped. I stepped towards her, and then she began talking to herself, or so I had thought. I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Himitsu, are you for a certain that you are all right?"
"Yeah." She then walked away from me and sat back down on one of the benches. Leaning back against them, but then she felt a hand snake to lie around her waist. "Heyai!"
She leapt up.
I had been caught up in conversation with Max asking what she had meant when earlier she commented to me about how there was something that she needed to tell us. As we later learned it turns out that Max was a genetically enhanced human being, whose DNA had been bonded with that of a cat's. So she had a half human and half neko DNA. She was half-cat.
There was something else she said she felt we needed to know, but that was set aside for the time being as I turned to Himitsu.
"Himitsu?" I looked across the way at her. "What is going on?"
"It's nothing, but did you guys just hear--" she stopped dead in mid-sentence. Then glanced at me. "I's him, he's back and he's being a total hentai," said my friend.
"He?" I repeated glancing at her curiosly, and then I froze in my place. I knew who it was, who she had meant. It was Yami. He was back, and apparently he was being playful. When Yami whispered in Himitsu's ear her hands balled into fists. Max didn't have a clue what was going on. She kept glancing at Himitsu skeptically. Apparently she had thought that Yami was dead, which he wasn't.
Well, Yami, apparently wanting to have a bit more fun began to whisper things in my ears. Words that, every time I felt his breath against my ear I wanted to just pull away, but petrified by potential rooted fear, I stood where I was, forced to just listen. He then went about and snapped Himitsu's bra-strap and mine, flirting with my crimson-eyed friend. Practically groping her. Himitsu kept running and hiding behind me, but we couldn't really do anything. Yami could be anywhere, and he was--everywhere. Eventually he got bored of just tormenting the two of us and then spoke so that all three of us could hear, with more words of torment. So then now Max knew the truth...that Yami was indeed still alive.
And also, as it turns out all three of us had taken a shower on Monday night, and the hentai watched all of us shower. Yami told Himitsu in a whisper and Himitsu told us. -Shiver.- That totally creeped Max and I out, and was just plain appalling to Himitsu. She cursed him and muttered, "Bastard hentai."
Eventually, Yami went back to the whole perverted actions against Himitsu, and a few he pulled on Max and I. Whispering to Himitsu and I that we had best get Max out of here, or else something would happen to her.
Max, had suddenly curled up into a corner, and then Himitsu and I turned to her. Her breathing shallowed, and she began gasping for breath before she collapsed to the floor slipping into a seizure. "What the hell?" I gasped, rushing to her side and kneeled beside her. Yami's voice echoing in my ear, "You'd best get her out of here, quickly, or else she will die."
I looked to Himitsu who now kneeled beside me. "What is going on?" asked Himitsu.
"It's a seizure, she's having seizure," I told her.
I wasn't entirely sure what to do, I knew about seizures, we had read about them in Health class, but seeing someone actually having one was a completely different story. So I did the only thing that came to my mind, I tried to heal her. But healing magic did little to sustain her, as she continued with her ailment.
Himitsu then looked about the chamber, as I focused on at least attempting to diminish some of the pain the seizure was more-than-likely inducing. Suddenly Himitsu breathed, "Aha," as she saw in Max's hand a vile of pills. Taking them, she popped the top open and took out a few of the pills then transmuting a glass of water, she tipped Max's head back and forced the pills into her mouth, along with the water. As soon after, the seizures stopped and Max looked up at us. Voicing a meek thank you. Himitsu nodded and then stood up, I helped Max up and then the three of us looked about the chamber.
"Where are you?" sniped Himitsu to the dome, speaking of course to Yami. Her answer was met as she felt cold hands brush against her face. Pulling back she turned to us. I looked at her.
"Himitsu," I said a sudden idea hitting me. "We need to get Max out of here, quickly." Himitsu nodded then wandered over to a side of the dome, to the area that had been used as a portal that had closed, and locked us into the dome. She tried her flame powers, but wound up being thrown back onto her back. Then we tried a combination of mine and Himitsu's powers, that didn't work at all. Both of us wound up thrown onto our backs. Shaking my head, I opened my eyes, and glanced towards the wall.
"This is pointless," I said. "Our powers don't work here." I stood up and glanced about the area, a sudden thought then striking me.
"Himitsu," I said softly, turning to face her as my sapphire gaze met her fired rubied one. "You're book. We can try a Wiccan spell."
"It's worth a shot," said Himitsu, clapping her hands together and then pulling them apart vertically, as from her once clasped hands was formed her famed spell book. Max looked at the two of us, the look on her face reading, 'oh great, more magic.' But Himitsu and I simply ignored her expression.
Himitsu tossed her book to me, just as Yami started his whole hentainess again. I immeditately began to flip through the pages, found the spell I was looking for and asked Himitsu to help with the transfigurations of the candles which she did. I then began to work dextrously at the other parts of the spell.
Taking the needle Himitsu had transfigured and pricking my finger. All the while trying to keep Yami from raping Himitsu. Every time my friend tried to help, Yami would unzip her jacket and then she would have to zip it back up. He got her onto the floor and though he wasn't seen I believe he had her straddled. He began to work at her shirt and finally, Max pulled her away from him. The three of us formed the triangle, and Himitsu and I began the chant. Going by memory, while Himitsu fought off Yami. Eventually the spell was complete, and as we each grabbed one of Max's arms we helped her through the portal we had made. At least she was safe.
Back in the dome, my powers of course were all weakened, and my heart's pace had been quickened once more by Yami. Himitsu helped to keep me standing, by first placing me in a bubbled barrier. Which, eventually I threw off. So I wound up having to rely mostly on my kitsune blood and abilities to keep me alive. As said before, all my angelic powers were completely useless to us here.
Himitsu told me to go as well, it wasn't safe for me here, I told her, "Hell no. Himitsu, I am not leaving you alone with that hentai. We are friends, and as such I will stand by your side through every hardship. I will be here for you always. I won't ever leave you and you know that. I am not leaving you." As my words slipped from my lips the portal closed and I turned to Himitsu.
"I told you, I am staying."
Yami's voice then broke the soundless barrier voicing, "So, the little light angel decided to stay with her friend. Can't really complain, now I have only two playmates, but that suffices. Although it is too bad that the kitten got away, but oh well, I can get her whenever I want to."
My hands balled into fists. "There is no way in Hell that you can get to her now. She has a barrier placed on her, that you cannot get through."
"Hm..that just goes to show you how much you know, little angel," mocked Yami.
My sapphire gaze narrowed dangerously.
Himitsu went to pick her book up, when we realized that the spell book was gone. Himitsu glared at the domed wall opposite of us.
"Now what?" I asked. "We can't necessarily get out of here."
"I know," said Himitsu leaning back on the bench she was recently inhabiting. When suddenly she gasped, "Ah oh!" as she was pitched face forward, landing face down on the ground. I slipped from my own bench and looked at her.
"We aren't suppose to lean back against the barrier, remember? We do and it pitches us face forwards away from the wall."
Himitsu stuck out her tongue and me and got to her feet. Giving me a look that read 'smart aleck.'
I shrugged and returned to my bench. Just then we realized that Yami had suddenly went silent. Himitsu and I glanced at each other. Just as from the area we had summoned our own portal and sent Max through, appeared a swirling mass of shadow that reminded me of a whirlpool. It was a black portal, and from it appeared a young boy. Looking no older than eighteen with short black hair, and pale white skin. He was dressed in a black long-sleeve, light-weight shirt, with black pants and shoes. And was sitting in a meditating position. His eyes were shut.
I glanced at Himitsu, and she glanced at me. Both of our expression reading 'wow, he's cute.' Yet Himitsu's also to read, 'Who the hell is he?' Standing up she wandered over to him, as I looked away, and focused for no real particular reason on the center of the floor, seeing a small green two-leaf plant growing there. I looked at it curiosly. Whereas Himitsu on the other hand was trying to get the stranger to speak.
She began talking about characters in certain animes that she had seen. A few names that were mentioned: Miroku, Inuyasha, Hiei...And then she would go off and recite cheerleading sayings like: "Bang, bang choo-choo train, come on baby do your thang." Basically, she was just trying to annoy the hell out of the newcomer. But he never a once flinched.
Giving up, Himitsu sat back down on a bench and just stared at him. "So then just what are you? Angel, demon? What?"
The newcomer turned his head to her and kept his eyes shut saying, "I am neither, and I am both."
Himitsu just glanced at me like 'ookaaay...' I chuckled softly at her expression before the stranger then turned to me. Himitsu then voiced another question. "Okay then who are you?"
Turning from me and looking straight ahead the boy said, "My name is Mallos." And as we later discovered it turned out that he was seer and was Yami's twin brother, but the two were entire opposites. Whereas Yami was a pervert, cold and cruel. Mallos was sentimental, calm and polite. Sort of like Himitsu and I. We were darkness and light, and Yami and Mallos seemed to be somewhat the same thing. Except that both of them had light and darkness in them. Yami was just more of the darkness type, as later we learned that his father was fire and darkness. And Mallos was more the light side, their mother was Gaia, earth and light.
Well, as it turns out Himitsu began to get somewhat ticked off at Mallos because he wouldn't open his eyes, as for some odd reason of another she really wanted to see what color his eyes were, that even I do not understand. Then finally she said something and his eyes opened as he turned to her. His eyes...they reminded me of endless black tunnels. There were no pupils or anything, just pools of darkness. He was blind....
I felt a pang of sorrow and regret for him. He seemed like such a nice guy...but he was blind, not to mention that he was a seer...With a soft sigh I looked away, my eyes softening with sorrow and tenderness, which I planned to hide from Himitsu's gaze. As such, I looked away. As again, Mallos glanced at me, then turned back to face the center of the gazebo.
Strange how that all worked out, but sou. We later learned that Gaia was going to come and help to free us. Since Yami was trying to break in again; because Mallos was present, Yami could not enter the dome. But still Yami made the attempts. Mallos told us not to worry, and that it will only be a matter of time before we would be freed by Gaia. But as we later discovered, Yami got pissed off enough that he had went and got help from his father, and Mallos' and Yami's father was the only one who could stop Gaia from freeing us. Combind in power, those two could do a lot of damage to Mother Nature. (They, meaning Yami and his father).
So right there worry resurfaced. Himitsu was only a couple of hours away from going into heat, and Yami wanted in. Gaia was weakening because Yami had asked daddy-dearest to help him get in. Mallos and I began to talk in telepathy. (Hai, I am a telepath, and so is Himitsu. But it turned out that Mallos and I could create a barrier that would block our mind conversation from Himitsu), and that was how I found out about Gaia's weakening.
Himitsu saw the expression on my face and demanded to know what was going on. So we eventually told her, and then I asked Mallos--in telepathy--if maybe there was something that I could do to help, since I was half earth and half light. I then glanced towards the small two-leaf plant in the chamber's center. Mallos nodded towards it, and so I slipped from my position of sitting on one of the benches.
I walked to the center of the dome and kneeled before the plant, my eyes slipping shut. Hands bracing out over it. Himitsu was about to kneel beside me saying she wanted to help and both Mallos and I said, at the same time, "No, you can't!" Himitsu just looked at us like, 'what the hell?' And then Mallos explained to her that if she helped me with assisting Gaia, then Himitsu would only weaken her, and strengthen Yami and his father. As for which Himitsu cursed herself for being fire and darkness. Not to mention that since we had gotten in here, the darkness became insinuating to Himitsu and she wound up getting really hyper, and--cough--coquettish.
So it was left up to me and my powers. I gave them to Gaia and then the barrier fell away. Gaia had done it, she had freed us. Looking up I turned to Mallos.
"Well done," he complimented and I blushed. Then there was a sudden surge of power and I felt my strength and powers return, and they were far more stronger. I even received a few new powers and gifts as I would later learn of, and as would later come into play.
Mallos looked at me, "This is mother's gift to you. She thanks you." Then he disappeared and we found ourselves in the Rock Gardens once again. I turned to Himitsu who was looking at me with an expression that read 'you like him." Blushing I said I did not and then turned, and headed towards my home. Checked on Rae to make sure that he was all right, showered, and then went to bed.
I'll leave it at that, friends. Take care all.
Ja ne.
Secrets here are hidden bare...until the time is right, and at last comes for them to be revealed.
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